TerraPreta Reclamation

Mission Statement: We champion Regenerative Reclamation by converting organic, nature-based materials into TerraHumA - Rec, a premium pelleted soil amendment designed to restore nutrient availability, enhance soil structure, and stimulate microbial activity on industrial reclamation sites. Through sustainable and circular practices, we rejuvenate degraded soils and support resilient ecosystems.

Vision Statement: Our vision is to transform the reclamation industry with TerraHumA, leading the way in innovative, regenerative solutions that significantly reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, boost land productivity, and promote sustainable ecosystems globally. We are dedicated to providing unmatched soil health improvements, ensuring a thriving future for our environment and communities.

Problems That Your Reclamation Site is Facing

Soil Nutrient Deficiency

  • Many soil systems in reclamation sites suffer from a lack of essential nutrients, leading to poor plant growth and reduced crop yields, and therefore a longer timeline for achieving a reclamation certification.

  • Poor Soil Structure and Compaction:

    • Compacted soil can hinder root growth and reduce water infiltration, leading to poor crop performance.

    • Humic acid helps to improve soil structure by increasing soil porosity and enhancing the formation of stable soil aggregates. Gypsum aids in loosening compacted soils and improving water penetration, thus enhancing root growth and overall soil health.

Low Soil Organic Matter:

  • Soils with low organic matter have reduced microbial activity, poor water-holding capacity, and diminished nutrient availability.

  • The TerraRec pellet boosts soil organic matter, enhancing microbial activity and soil fertility. Alfalfa meal also contributes organic material that decomposes to further improve soil structure and nutrient content.

Our Solution TerraHumA - Rec

The TerrahumA - Rec Pellet is tailored for the reclamation of degraded soils. The TerrahumA - Rec pellet provides solutions for diverse problems across the reclamation landscape.

  • Accelerate time to site closure and reclamation certification: 

    Utilizing TerraHumA - Rec in your site's soil reclamation plan can significantly accelerate the process of reaching site closure and obtaining a Reclamation Certificate. The challenges in the reclamation of these sites often include issues related to soil health, biodiversity, and the impact of human development.

  • Efficient Reclamation and Cost Savings:

    • By achieving faster site closures, companies can reduce the duration of their financial obligations.

    • Reduced Annual Maintenance Costs: By addressing the root causes of land degradation and implementing regenerative reclamation practices, Terra Preta's TerraHumA - Rec, can significantly lower the long-term costs associated with site maintenance and monitoring.

    Environmental Stewardship and Public Relations:

    • Enhanced Environmental Responsibility: Our organic-based, non-synthetic soil reclamation pellets align with the goals of environmental stewardship and ESG ratings, showcasing a company's commitment to responsible land management.

    • Positive Public and Stakeholder Perception: Employing Terra Preta’s sustainable and efficient reclamation practices can bolster a company’s public image, demonstrating a proactive approach to environmental care and regulatory compliance.

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Organic Certification Documentation: